Friday, April 16, 2010

Disney Couture

I am way too excited for disney world..115 days!! I also will be making a trip to Disneyland on May 2!! I cannot wait!! It's going to be amazing! Anyways this post is about Disney Couture. I first starting seeing Disney couture in stores about 2 years ago starting in Macy's with their princess collection which I thought was absolutely adorable. I am hoping that somewhere in Disneyworld they will sell all of the pieces of Disney couture so I can collect it. I might start off my collection by getting a couple of pieces now to curb my excitement and remind me of disney. These are some of my favorite pieces below! I plan on buying the Dream a Wish bracelet right now :)

Kidada Disney Couture Platinum "Dream A Wish" Bracelet

$48.00 EBAY

The Wonderful Thought Ring
Women's Jewelry By Disney Couture Jewelry

The Cinderella Braided Wrap Charm Bracelet & Headband

Women's Jewelry By Disney Couture Jewelry

''Enchanted Rose'' Beauty and the Beast Necklace by Disney Couture


Disney Couture Gold Plated Feather Bangle Bracelet


I can't wait to see the upcoming collection. :) Next post: Cute Disney apparel!